GREAT questions

For both filing bugs and asking questions of engineers, the trick is to make it easy for them to help you with your real goal and to show your respect for them.

Fortunately, there is a simple mneumonic that works for most situations — ask “GREAT” questions:

Start with your high level goal

This helps avoid the XY Problem, where you think you needed help on a specific solution X to your problem Y, but X wasn’t even the best solution.

Give minimized and explicit steps to reproduce your confusion / issue:

Explain your mental model, what you expect to happen

Show them what actually happens

Include exact error message or screenshot/details of failure. Show, not tell.

Show what you tried on your own

This is a critical step! This is the “proof of work.”

Ask a question, referring back to your high level goal

Do you have any ideas about what I could be missing? Or other suggestions for how to get the image centered on the page?

Other tips

See also

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